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A Sacred Space to Nourish your Deep Feminine Heart.

Feminine Energy

How to Tap into Divine Feminine Energy

August 30, 20247 min read

Feminine energy

How to Tap into Divine Feminine Energy

Imagine having such a strong and clear sense of intuition that you never had to look outside of yourself for validation again.

Imagine radiating such a deep glow from within that others around you started to glow just by being in your presence? What if you had the opportunity to feel so fulfilled and clear from within that you naturally magnetize the Divine people, opportunities and circumstances to support and assist you along your most soulful journey?

All without having to chase or “fix” anything outside of you.


What if you had such trust in your own feminine heart that no one's negative opinions bothered you anymore? What if you were in complete control of your own happiness and wellbeing? What if you felt completely free to create a life you were in love with?

Reconnecting with Your Feminine Source for Lasting Fulfillment

Living a deeper, more rich and fulfilling lifestyle in devotion to tending to your divine feminine energy...

The art of deep feminine presence- Every woman has access to the same deep and nourishing feminine energy within yet it is her unique soul and creative mind that makes her expression of this feminine energy one of a kind, rare and special.

Within each woman is a vast, mystical well of inner beauty and fresh possibility. It's an actual realm or dimension the resides deep within her feminine heart and radiates outwardly.

Deep within there is a place that carries no pain, no worry, no insecurities, no anxiety, no comparison, no doubt or fear. This is the real and authentic Self where the feminine is completely free from past wounding and conditioning.It is a place within of limitless, unconditional love, pure awareness, flow, creativity, divinity and self worth. It’s a place where your intuition is amplified and your innocence remembered. It is a place where the giving becomes the receiving and you do so from a whole spirit, lacking nothing. It’s you in your true creative, Divine Feminine soft power.

If this interests you, read on…

Feminine embodiment

Awaken the Sacred Feminine Within You

The feminine realm of awareness is the unseen realm. It is everything you cannot see with your physical eyes. It is connected to energy in motion (emotion) . In order to get a good understanding of your feminine energy you need to spend time in stillness and meditation. Beginning and ending your day with closing your eyes and tuning into your inner landscape of awareness. I am not talking about letting your thoughts run wild and listening to all the voices in your head, that can literally be hell!

I am speaking about a deeper awareness of energetic presence which cannot be fully explained to the logical mind, only experienced within the body.

Harness the Natural Laws of Feminine Energy

Feminine energy lives within all but we have been conditioned away from the power of it through the masculine, externalized programming by the unbalanced patriarchal, outdated systems our entire lives. The true ascension journey to elevate ones consciousness requires an integration of both the masculine and feminine laws of creation which requires, for a period of time, intimacy with the feminine energy within. For generations we have been conditioned away from our stillness and many of us fear being alone with selves, this is a direct reflection if the rejection of feminine energy.   

Unlock Your Full Potential with Divine Alignment

Once we begin to integrate feminine energy by spending time in it and with it, she naturally begins to harmonize both masculine and feminine energies within, contributing to divine alignment. Within divine alignment is the wholeness that is the real Self. Wholeness is balance and balance invites flow and grace into your life. Will life get challenging? Sure. But when you know how to get back into balance by way of divine alignment, you hold the keys to your own fulfillment, happiness and peace- a powerful place to be. This way (the middle way), you can start co-creating from a space of wholeness and divine creativity.

Feminine flow

Embrace Your True Essence and Manifest Abundance

Divine feminine energy is abundance. The divine feminine sees abundance, beauty, love, peace and joy everywhere. Once you tap into the deeper beauty within, your deep feminine presence, you begin to see more beauty outwardly. The real riches, the real abundance is peace, love, joy, harmony which must be found within and these quality will forever sustain you if you can anchor into them with daily practice.

Find Balance and Flow Through Feminine Embodiment

Since the world is based on external gratification, there must be a conscious and precise effort to create different practices to stay centered in your divine feminine energy. Practices like meditation, visualization, breathwork, prayer, all help the feminine embody her most beautiful feminine essence and intuition. In ancient times, there were entire mystery schools dedicated to developing feminine qualities such as these. Those closest to Natural Law and Universal law saw the role of feminine energy as essential and vital to the health of Self, the community or tribe and even civilization.

Feminine intuition

Reclaim Your Authentic Feminine Power

The mystical qualities of the feminine are inherently within you, its just that we live in such a fast paced modern world full of distractions that we haven’t had the proper time or guidance to deeply rest and rediscover them.

Give yourself full permission to rest and restore your mind by giving your mind a break through your feminine embodiment practices throughout your day. They work wonders when done consecutively and consistently. You will start to notice your creativity and intuition are heightened. Others will ever start to notice positive changes in your energy, and even in your appearance. There is a deep, undeniable glow that radiates from a women who is tapped into her unique divine feminine energy.

Manifest with Grace by Aligning with Your Feminine Core

When the feminine makes deep self care and inner energetic alignment one of her main priorities, she begins to magnetize all kinds of blessings in the form of all kinds of abundance. As within so without.

She becomes a co-creator that lives in alignment with the laws of nature. God naturally wants to give and care for her because she meets her Creator half way by taking the initiative to care for well being, her energy. She knows the importance of releasing pent up stress within her body so she can actually hear her own intuition, the subtle whispers of God guiding her. Made in the image of her Creator, she becomes a natural co-creator, creating more beauty, love and harmony in all her environments which in return, creates waves of change within the world.


Conclusion- Transform Your Reality with the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine

The journey to tapping into your unique divine feminine energy is a sacred and transformative one. It requires deep presence, self-care, and a commitment to reconnecting with the authentic, mystical essence within you. As you embrace your feminine energy, you'll begin to experience a profound sense of balance, creativity, and inner peace that nothing external could ever take away. You'll find yourself flowing with grace, manifesting abundance naturally, and living in alignment with your true self.

Your divine feminine energy is both rare and powerful. It is a hidden force that transcends the limitations of the external world, and offers you the path to wholeness, joy, and unconditional love- all from within. By making the conscious choice to nurture this energy daily, you open yourself up to limitless possibilities and create a life that reflects the beauty and harmony you hold within.

Allow yourself to rest in your feminine essence, trust your intuition, and honor the unique gifts that only you can bring into the world. The more you align with your divine feminine core, the more you will magnetize blessings, abundance, and love into your life. Your life becomes an expression of the Divine creative intelligence that flows through all of creation.

This is your time to shine, to embrace your true, soft feminine power, and to co-create a world filled with beauty, grace, and harmony. It all starts from within—you are already on the path.

To learn more on feminine embodiment practices that keep you in divine alignment- CLICK HERE

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Inspire Your Deep Feminine Heart

In the stillness of your being, there is a soft yet powerful energy waiting to be embraced. It is the voice of your soul, guiding you toward a life of grace, intuition, and deep connection to your true essence. If you’ve been feeling the pull to reconnect with your own inner light, this is a gentle invitation to begin your journey.


This free guide is a gift to you

Imagine a starting point, a spark of inspiration to help you reconnect with your divine feminine. It’s not about striving or achieving. It’s about being. It’s about softening into who you already are.

Within these pages, you will discover simple, soul-aligned practices to help you listen to the whispers of your heart and bring more peace, flow, and authenticity into your daily life. These practices are not meant to overwhelm you but to invite you into a space of quiet surrender and deep trust.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

- A Path to Self-Discovery: Gentle exercises to help you reconnect with your true self and rediscover the divine wisdom that has always been within you.

- Nurturing Practices: Simple ways to honor your energy, nurture your intuition, and embrace your feminine power.

- Space for Reflection: Soft prompts to help you deepen your self-awareness and create space for your true nature to unfold.

Why Is This Guide Different?

This is not about doing more. This is about being more-being more present, more connected, more aligned with the divine essence that resides within you. This guide is an invitation to pause, breathe, and remember who you truly are beneath all the noise and distractions.

If you feel ready to awaken the beauty, wisdom, and grace that are already within you, this guide is here to help you take the first step. There is no rush. No expectations. Just a gentle invitation to come back to yourself.

You are already whole.

Let this guide show you the way back to the sacredness that you carry within.

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Please note that some of the links in this article are affiliate links. This means that if you click on one of these links and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I genuinely believe will add value to my readers. Your support helps me maintain and improve this blog, and I deeply appreciate it.

Hi, I am Olivia Michelle

I created this space because oftentimes, my feminine soul clients say that they are burnt out,

stressed, and feel as though their sensitivities are misunderstood.

As feminine beings, we are conditioned to suppress our natural sensitivities

and "power through" our organic feminine rhythms, cycles and flow.

As if the natural needs of the feminine are an inconvenience

to a masculine conditioned society.

This is why some women develop a masculine heart wall.

When the feminine is conditioned to find little to no value in her natural feminine expression,

she subconsciously rejects parts of herself in an effort to fit into

an imbalanced masculinized society.

This has not been a sustainable way of living for the feminine beings I work with who often

suffer from feminine burnout.

She discovers her natural feminine gifts when she makes it a priority to value
and nourish her deep, feminine heart.

FOLLOW ME ON Instagram @adeepfeminineheart