Exploring healing feminine energy and restoring their connection to your own natural feminine energy from within. We dive into the realms of the Feminine Heart and its potential for living a life of authenticity, joy, and alignment through my personal story.
Imagine seeing through the eyes of your heart (instead of your physical eyes) a new world in the same places. Imagine perceiving a fresh and miraculous perspective all around you, through not only your immediate environment but also your interpersonal relationships and within the relationship you have with yourself. Imagine a sense of wholeness and creative, overflowing expression radiating from your deeply attuned and open heart space. Imagine the familiar sensation of child-like wonder and awe. The feeling of being deeply tended to, cared for, heard, seen, valued, and accepted by God’s grace just as you are, no matter what you have done or didn’t do. This is a state of being available to all women who choose to look inward, purify their hearts, plant fresh, new seeds of intention, and sustain a regulated nervous system.
The Universal point where Heaven & Earth meet is within the bridal chamber of your sacred feminine True Heart (to learn the difference between the True Heart and the false heart, CLICK HERE.)
This is where the marriage of Heaven (the masculine principle) and of Earth (the feminine principle) unified to reveal to me the Kingdom Of Heaven and The Garden Of Eden within. Deep within my soft & feminine heart is where I feel God’s presence most.
From childhood, I was conditioned to reject my feminine heart. I was misled to believe that my emotions were wrong and something to reject, suppress or deny. So I subconsciously developed a heart wall for protection. I didn’t feel safe in my authentic and vulnerable expression. I tried to logic my way out of what I was feeling all the time and this caused debilitating anxiety attacks that began to control me. Trying to control my chaotic mind was excruciating and exhausting. Now I know what science has proven, that living from the delusions of the mind is what causes depression, anxiety, burnout, and disease.
It wasn’t until I had a transformative experience through meditation and then shortly after that, the biggest heartbreak of my entire life which brought on a “dark night of the soul” that I began to actually let myself freely feel for the first time in my life. The truth is, I could no longer control it. All these things happened at once and the new felt sense of my emotions was intense for me. The emotional floodgates were opened. It felt like I was completely stripped of everything I knew and brought down to my knees, like a sort of purification of my heart. I had no choice but to surrender to the will of God. It was as if my heart was a soda can being shaken up and the top popped off. I was an emotional mess for a while.
After that initiation into feeling my heart for the first time since I was a little girl, I noticed that I felt extremely clear. I felt this pulsing aliveness, inspiration, and vitality flowing through me. I now know this to be my life force energy. The rush of creativity this brought me was almost unbearable at times. So many ideas flowed to me effortlessly. I felt a big blockage was freed, my heart wall was beginning to dissolve.
The perception I once had of myself began to drastically shift. I began seeing myself as God created me, whole in Spirit lacking nothing. I began to accept that the sensitivity of my heart was a gift from God and the compass that was trying to keep me in alignment with my true self all along. I had to put up some major boundaries for my precious, tender heart in order to keep it open so that I could hear and feel God guiding me.
At that time, there were things in my environment and people that I no longer resonated with and I could feel it deeply for the first time ever. I was ready and willing to strip myself down even further if that meant settling into a more aligned and authentic version of myself.
Despite the initial fear, I began letting go of my old identity and the people + habits that were attached to it like a snake shedding skin. I was ready for the sacred re-birth, something I have become quite comfortable with and a speciality I guide my clients through in my signature program for deeply sensitive woman restoring natural feminine energy,
Sacred Feminine Meditation Course
With each rebirth of my heart and the deepening into my feminine body (intuition), I got closer to my authentic soul’s resonance. I experienced more states of flow and Heavenly realms here on Earth. I believe that Heaven On Earth is attainable the more we can meet ourselves in whatever we have previously rejected- the so-called good, bad, or ugly, integrating the fragmented pieces back into the acceptance of our whole True Heart, scars and all. It's about finding an authentic expression.
Seeing, feeling, breathing, and living through the lens of your True Heart is a daily devotion to God’s heart. It’s a choice to tune into the creative abilities God has bestowed upon us and sometimes we can forget. That’s why I love communities of women who are brave enough to take on the Divine responsibility of becoming portals of Heaven On Earth and support the inward journey of authentic self discovery. The most courageous women I know walk the spiral path inwards to unravel old outdated ideas, identities and beliefs to remember their innate inner power and wholeness. A woman’s True Heart is an expression of God’s heart and a bridge between Heaven On Earth.
The only thing that prevents her from her natural intuitive abilities is the accumulation of unprocessed emotions and stagnant energy within her heart and body from the past. These blockages keep her from feeling and expressing her true self. When she learns the value of somatically (energetically) clearing them and maintains her energetic hygiene with sacred boundaries, she naturally embodies her natural feminine energy and becomes a transmitter of unique feminine radiance.
Embracing Divine Inner Union: The Sacred Dance of Hieros Gamos
The Divine Path: The Mystery of God's Vision for your Life
Radiate Beauty from Within: A Guide to Cultivating Truly Beautiful Energy
Why Rest, Joy and Pleasure Are Essential for Feminine Radiance
If you feel ready to inspire the beauty, wisdom, and grace within you, this guide is here to help you deepen. There is no rush. No expectations. Just a gentle invitation to come back to yourself and settle in.
You are already whole.
This guide is a gentle invitation back to the sacredness that you carry within.
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