''A man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein and will continue to produce their kind.” – As a Man Thinketh
Consciousness is made up of thoughts and feelings or mind and heart. I will use mind and heart interchangeably throughout this read.
Within Your Feminine Heart & Mind, There is a Fruitful Garden Waiting for Your Tender Love & Care...
From Survival Mode to Creation Mode:
When my feminine soul clients begin to unwind and relax their nervous system from working with me, they begin to go from a state of survival into a state of creation and flow. The garden of one's consciousness shapes one's character, thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, and therefore experience. This inner garden can always be regenerated, edited, or redesigned.
Proverbs 4:23
"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. 23 Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."
Meaning that out of the heart flow the issues of life. So what seeds do you desire to plant within the garden of your heart which will one day bear fruit?
You are now the architect of your own inner garden.
The Garden of Your Consciousness Analogy: Cultivating The Mind + Heart of The Sacred Feminine Woman.
Seeds of Thought: Just as a garden starts with seeds, our consciousness begins with thoughts and ideas. These seeds can be planted intentionally or may sprout unconsciously, representing the subconscious thoughts on autopilot from the past within the mind.
Cultivation and Care: You reap what you sow. A garden requires cultivation and care to thrive. Similarly, our consciousness requires nurturing and attention to develop and flourish. This can involve practices such as meditation, breath therapy, visualization, affirmation, journaling, song and dance, somatic (body based) practices, self-reflection, and emotional well-being. Repetitive aligned action breeds mastery.
Diversity of Plants & Flowers: A garden often contains a variety of plants, flowers, herbs, trees, fruits, each with their unique characteristics. Similarly, our consciousness consists of a diverse range of natural thoughts and emotions, past memories, beliefs, and perspectives and all co-exist together, like an eco system. The garden of your heart represents the complexity and richness of your inner world and personal experiences.
Weeding and Pruning: In a garden, unwanted weeds need to be removed, and flowers may need pruning for healthy growth. Similarly, in consciousness, it is essential to identify and address misaligned and outdated subconscious thoughts, habits, and beliefs, allowing for gentle personal growth and overall well-being of a healthy inner garden.
Seasons of Change: A garden experiences different seasons, each bringing their own beauty, challenges and harvests. Similarly, consciousness goes through various phases and changes throughout life. It may encounter joy, sorrow, growth, and transformation, mirroring the cycles of nature, death and rebirth or regeneration.
Nourishment and Growth: A garden requires sunlight, water, and nutrients to flourish. Similarly, our inner worlds and consciousness needs positive influences, knowledge, attention, embodied experiences, and meaningful connections to thrive and expand. Be fruitful and multiple!
Gestation in Divine Timing: Each seed and intention has a particular gestation period. All seeds, when nourished, will sprout and produce their flowers and fruits in Divine timing. Trust that when you plant the seed and tend to it, it will eventually take root. The growing process takes time to bloom into its fullest expression, be patient and surrender to God's timing.
Reflection of Inner Landscape: The design and arrangement of a garden can reflect the individual's inner landscape, aesthetic, personality, and vibe. Similarly, a person's consciousness and mindset shape their perceptions, attitudes, the way they view the world. You get to design the beauty of your own inner garden and choose the seeds you desire to cultivate.
Beauty and Serenity: A well-tended garden evokes a sense of serenity and beauty. Similarly, a cultivated consciousness can lead to inner peace, clarity, order, joy, beauty, flowstate and a heightened sense of gratitude for God's Laws.
When the feminine begins to cultivate her inner garden, she may have certain fears. These can include feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness, a loss of control, vulnerability to external influences, exploring complexity & nuance of the past and how it has shaped her present, cycles of death and rebirth, societal or family expectations.
Fear is a perfectly normal response to the unknown. But you know what also comes with the fertile soil of unknown? Miracles and happy surprises. Getting comfortable with the unknown means marveling in the mystery of life, opening up to the wonderful possibilities and letting God show you the bounty that awaits a faithful heart.
To start your inward journey of tending to your feminine heart, planting positive seeds of intention to embody your highest timeline and deepen your divine feminine expression, Read my e-book- Eden Within: Secrets of Divine Wholeness and Natural Feminine Healing.
By reading Eden Within: Secrets of Divine Wholeness and Natural Feminine Healing, you will gain the tools and insights to transform your inner garden into a sanctuary of peace, beauty, and abundance. This e-book serves as a loving guide to help you align with your divine feminine essence, nurture your heart with intention, and embody the sacred flow of creation. Let this be your next step in designing a vibrant and fruitful inner world, one seed of divine wisdom at a time.
Get the ebook HERE<3
True Feminine Heart Versus False Feminine Heart
If you feel ready to inspire the beauty, wisdom, and grace within you, this guide is here to help you deepen. There is no rush. No expectations. Just a gentle invitation to come back to yourself and settle in.
You are already whole.
This guide is a gentle invitation back to the sacredness that you carry within.
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