Natural, healing feminine energy flows when women feel safe to soften into their heart space and organic feminine essence.
The problem is that many women I work with feel they can't do this easily for several reasons.
In society, feminine qualities and aspects of creation are looked down upon, especially in the workplace and business. We have been conditioned to view feminine qualities as either too much, not enough, or even weak. This is because masculine principles have dominated the world for thousands of years.
This kind of masculine conditioning has led many of us senstive feminine beings to "amour up" our hearts and bulldoze our way through life in an attempt to be respected as equal to our male counterparts. We often feel guilty for our sensitivities and the need for rest but this is part of our feminine cyclical nature.
The current patriarchal systems don't support the feminine design. Our bodies, energy levels and emotional needs are vastly different than men's.
This is precisely why I see many of my clients suffering from blocked feminine energy and burn out.
It's not sustainable for women to subconsciously shut down their natural, God-given feminine design and "power through."
-Constant comparison (The feeling of "not enoughness" or too "muchness.")
-Trouble expressing joy or pleasure (Feelings of guilt or shame may arise.)
-Mental and emotional exhaustion (Feminine burnout.)
-Inability to relax or do self-care (Feelings of guilt or shame may arise.)
-Trouble expressing feelings (for fear of being seen as weak or inadequate.)
-Lack of creativity (Fears of being judged.)
-Easily emotionally trigged (Pent-up emotions cause internal resistance and chronic stress which causes us to lose control at times.)
It makes perfect sense that women struggle with blocked feminine energy because masculine conditioning is all about survival of the fittest, striving, competing, producing the results at all costs, and linear ways of thinking to name a few.
It's no wonder why so many of the women I work with experience feeling out of alignment with themselves due to subconsciously blocking their feminine energy in an attempt to fit in, especially in the workplace or in business.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, I want you to know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and you are not alone. It's actually very common to feel this way as a feminine being in a predominantly masculine world.
There are ways to begin to soften and restore balance by being aware and taking exquisite care of your feminine energy, wellbeing and mental health.
- Sistership. Reach out for reciprocal relationships with other women interested in restoring healthy feminine energy. Listening to another woman's perspective in similar challenges makes us feel seen, heard, understood, and therefore less alone along our journey. Supportive relationships are crucial for the feminine.
-Movement. Begin a daily movement practice for the joy and pleasure of it. Put on your favorite song in the morning and just intuitively move or express yourself. Whether it's a light yoga flow or a dance, just let it feel good to get that juicy feminine life-force energy flowing.
-Mediation. Take two times out of your day to connect with your inner landscape of awareness. Once in the morning and once at night. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your heart space, and observe the sensations in your body without critiquing or needing to analyze, just feel. I like to set my timer for 10 min and close my eyes and surrender into my heart space, just observing.
-Journal your feelings. Emotions need an outlet of some kind otherwise they can get stuck within the body and cause stress, tension, or disease. Do this practice at the end of your day. Start off with the journal prompt "How do I feel today?" and then write out your answer without judgment, be completely honest. Then ask yourself the question "Why?" Keep asking yourself why after each answer is written. Free flow whatever comes to mind. Keep going until you feel complete. I ask myself "Why?' at least 5 times. It's surprising how good I feel when given the time and space for this therapeutic writing practice.
-At home facial massage. In your free time, give yourself a facial massage with the face creams or face oils you already have. Let it feel good. Set a wholehearted intention for some self-love and intuitively massage your face, neck, scalp, and decollate (chest area) This is such an easy way to relieve stress, pamper yourself, feel rejuvenated, and get some self-love affirmations in.
Why Rest, Joy and Pleasure Are Essential for Feminine Radiance
13 Holistic Practices That Enhance The Flow Of Natural Feminine Energy.
Ten Creative Feminine Tips to Create a Warm & Inviting Atmosphere
If you feel ready to inspire the beauty, wisdom, and grace within you, this guide is here to help you deepen. There is no rush. No expectations. Just a gentle invitation to come back to yourself and settle in.
You are already whole.
This guide is a gentle invitation back to the sacredness that you carry within.
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