The path of feminine healing is an adventure filled with exploration, many different modalities, and a flood of information from various social media platforms.
Among the abundance of tips, tricks and hacks, confusion can arise, leaving feminine beings to think, "Where do I begin? What truly works? How do I discern progress?" Information overload can trigger overwhelm, leading to a "frozen" state of inaction within the nervous system.
To provide clarity and guide those on the path of feminine healing, I would like to share a foundational truth that I instill within each of my clients- that each woman is already whole.
Healing is not about fixing an inherent flaw or attaining a goal outside oneself. Rather, it is a process of remembering and reconnecting with the innate wholeness that exists within.
Let's examine the etymology of the term "healing" to better understand.
The root word of "healing" is derived from the old english word "haelan," meaning the condition of being "whole."
Healing, therefore, is not an attainment or a far away reach but rather a surrendering of external influences that have been imposed upon us and conditioned over our natural state- thoughts and beliefs absorbed from parents, society, culture, religion, and entertainment. These external layers obstruct our inherent, intuitive, and divinely innocent nature of wholeness.
I do not look upon the Bible as a history book. I see the Bible symbolically, as a metaphorical, metaphysical book of allegories perfectly demonstrating Universal Law and the fruits of Christ Consciousness (the Spirit) Vs the conditioned ego.
The Garden of Eden serves as a powerful analogy for this innate divine innocence. Being naked and unashamed in The Garden Of Eden symbolizes our original, unconditioned state of childlike wonder and awe. On the contrary, eating from the tree of knowledge symbolizes the introduction of duality, separation, and the identification with labels and/or harmful religious dogma that tends to divide God's people.
True freedom emanates from returning to our inner child innocence- a state characterized by joy, love, adventure, openness, emotionality and immersion in the present moment.
Picture a small child eating an ice cream, completely absorbed in the wholesome experience without a care in the world. This authentic expression, without of societal judgments, reflects the state of wholeness.
She eats the ice cream with full satisfaction and joyful glee, not caring that the ice cream could be smeared all over her face or dripping on her clothes. She doesn’t care one bit what others might think of her. She has no agenda other than the joy she is experiencing and expressing.
And if the ice cream were to fall over on the ground, the child might scream and cry, expressing her dissatisfaction, again without a care in the world. She is fully immersed in the present without suppressing her joy or pain. She isn't in shame, or in fear of being judged or condemned.
Once she has vented her frustration over the spilled ice cream and expressed her discontent, it's likely that within approximately 20 minutes or less, she will have moved on and shifted her focus to another activity, rediscovering joy in different pursuits. Children are always eager to seek out their joy.
This is the state of authenticity and innocence that is considered wholeness.
Now let's explore the etymology of the word "whole" to further support this understanding. "Whole," derived from Old English "hāl," means healthy, safe, and sound.
A child in an unconditioned state of purity feels safe to authentically express herself, whether in joy or pain. This sense of safety prevents the suppression that leads to depression and anxiety, allowing for the preservation of her childlike innocence.
To reclaim this innocence as adults, it is important to recognize that the conditioned self- the adult conditioned ego- is a result of societal, family, religious and or cultural conditioning. What may have been deemed unacceptable or "bad" due to past conditioning could, in fact, be the key to returning to one's own innocence.
The integration of light and dark aspect of the human experience, neither denying, suppressing or dissociating from the full spectrum of natural human emotions leads to reclamation of your inner feminine power, your wholeness.
And Jesus, he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter The Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in The Kingdom of Heaven. "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes Me."
As Jesus stated, embracing the qualities of a child is essential to entering The Kingdom Of Heaven and it is available to you now by embracing ALL of you (light and dark) your wholeness. This is an eternal allegory for rediscovering the state of wholeness and innocence that already innately resides within each feminine heart.
Feminine Healing involves recognizing our inherent wholeness. By allowing the complete range of our natural human emotions to pass through us, we effortlessly reconnect with our childlike innocence, ultimately returning to a foundation of joy and natural purity. Embracing our inner child serves as the gateway to spiritual enlightenment and entryway into the Kingdom of Heaven.
To learn more about reclaiming the full spectrum of feminine emotionality, Click Here
The 5 Pillars of A Deep Feminine Heart
Embracing Divine Inner Union: The Sacred Dance of Hieros Gamos
How to Use the Divine Feminine Embodiment Guide to Create Lasting Change
A Guide for Deeply Sensitive Women on their Journey of Living Heaven On Earth, Now.
If you feel ready to inspire the beauty, wisdom, and grace within you, this guide is here to help you deepen. There is no rush. No expectations. Just a gentle invitation to come back to yourself and settle in.
You are already whole.
This guide is a gentle invitation back to the sacredness that you carry within.
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