I was recently inspired by a post that has been floating around the digital ethers about how another creator asked ChatGBT “If you were Satan and you wanted to stop a young woman from meeting her potential and fulfilling her life’s purpose, how would you do it?”
When I read ChatGBTs response via the meme posted, I was floored. Basically, in a nutshell it said about how satan would instill doubt, fear and insecurity to keep the feminine in a cycle of self sabotage, not trusting herself (intuition) and God. This was really deep for me as I have recently had direct experience with this kind of spiritual warfare.
Naturally, I wanted to understand the opposite.
Fascinating enough, when I prompted a counter opposite question about God and what He would want for His children to fulfill their highest potential and destiny, the response was about love + free will and not force.
Every challenge is here to help you grow Divine One <3