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A Sacred Space to Nourish your Deep Feminine Heart.

Feminine Healing

Divine Guidance for Your Highest Potential

September 21, 20241 min read

Hello Beauties, My Divine Feminine's

I was recently inspired by a post that has been floating around the digital ethers about how another creator asked ChatGBT “If you were Satan and you wanted to stop a young woman from meeting her potential and fulfilling her life’s purpose, how would you do it?”

When I read ChatGBTs response via the meme posted, I was floored. Basically, in a nutshell it said about how satan would instill doubt, fear and insecurity to keep the feminine in a cycle of self sabotage, not trusting herself (intuition) and God. This was really deep for me as I have recently had direct experience with this kind of spiritual warfare.

Naturally, I wanted to understand the opposite.

Fascinating enough, when I prompted a counter opposite question about God and what He would want for His children to fulfill their highest potential and destiny, the response was about love + free will and not force.

Divine Guidance for Your Highest Potential

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feminine healing

feminine healing

Every challenge is here to help you grow Divine One <3

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A Guide That Will Lead You Closer To Your Inner Freedom and Joy

Release the grip of societal pressures, trust your inner wisdom, and celebrate the natural beauty that radiates from within

Hi, I am Olivia Michelle

I created this space because oftentimes, my feminine soul clients say that they are burnt out,

stressed, and feel as though their sensitivities are misunderstood.

As feminine beings, we are conditioned to suppress our natural sensitivities

and "power through" our organic feminine rhythms, cycles and flow.

As if the natural needs of the feminine are an inconvenience

to a masculine conditioned society.

This is why some women develop a masculine heart wall.

When the feminine is conditioned to find little to no value in her natural feminine expression,

she subconsciously rejects parts of herself in an effort to fit into

an imbalanced masculinized society.

This has not been a sustainable way of living for the feminine beings I work with who often

suffer from feminine burnout.

She discovers her natural feminine gifts when she makes it a priority to value
and nourish her deep, feminine heart.

FOLLOW ME ON Instagram @adeepfeminineheart