A Sacred Space to Nourish your Deep Feminine Heart.


10 Signs Your Feminine Intuition is Blocked and How to Reconnect with Your Inner Wisdom

July 30, 20245 min read

10 Signs Your Feminine Intuition is Blocked and How to Reconnect with Your Inner Wisdom

Feminine Intuition

Feminine intuition is the innate ability to perceive and understand truths, energy and emotions without the need for logical reasoning. It's a deep, instinctual knowing that goes deeper than the conscious mind. It is often described as an inner voice. Rooted in the connection to the divine feminine energy, this intuitive power allows the feminine to navigate her life with clarity, wisdom, and grace, while tapping into a profound source of inner divine guidance.

Can you feel your inner voice, the subtle nudge that guides you throughout life? Feminine intuition is more than just a feeling, it's powerful, innate wisdom within every feminine being. In this blog post, we will explore the depths of feminine intuition, and learn how to feel its power to lead a life of authenticity, balance, and profound insight.

Here the Top Signs you May Be Ignoring your Intuition

  1. Mysterious physical symptoms or illness develop out of seemingly no where (denying and suppressing the truth of emotions, supressing energy flow).

  2. You experience heightened anxiety and fear through out your day and as a result procrastination and frustation may follow.

  3. A uneasy feeling of not being able to decide what to do next, (feelings of frustration and confusion may arise when you think of your goals or to do list).

  4. An over all feeling of being off balanced and unstable mood swings.

  5. Headaches and burn out from overthinking.

  6. Irrational poor choices and feelings of restlessness.

  7. Pretending everything is fine when it's really not.

  8. Imposter syndrome, feeling like you are not confident in who you truly are.

  9. Easily swayed by other peoples opinions.

  10. A lack of inspiration and creativity.

Why Your Intuition Might Be Blocked

If you are struggling to reconnect with your own intuition, it is because the mental, logical mind is overactive, in other words, you are stressed. The best thing to do when you are feeling unsure is to stop what you are doing, take a quiet moment or even a few days away and empty your mind by breathing deeply, meditating and focusing your awareness on your hearts space. Rest is essential for reconnecting and rehabilitating intuition.

When we are too wrapped up in the monkey mind we completely loose touch with our body awareness. Intuition is felt within the body. If we carry a lot of unprocessed trauma from the past or if we are consistently placed in environments or relationships that activate stress, we can begin to suppress our own intuition when placed in survival mode.

Often times when we are disconnected to our intuition we want to think our way out of it. We cannot solve a problem with the same thinking we used to create them.

When we can't hear and feel our own intuition, oftentimes, the last thing the monkey mind will want to do is rest and be in receiving mode for periods of time yet that is precisely what will get you back into body awareness of your intuition. There is a creative intelligence available to all that will help you get back into alignment and creatively problem solve with your own intuition if you just take the time and space to access this part within you through stillness and meditation.

Remember intuition is a muscle and can be developed overtime.

If you don't use it, it atrophy's, or dies out. The best thing to do to re-build your intuition is to start and end your day with meditation.

Meditation is the first key to reconditioning your own intuition. It's the an act of emptying the mind first that allows you to properly feel your own internal guidance system. Take your time with developing this relationship to your intuition yet be consistent with your pratice.

Intuition is a feminine aspect so think of intuition like a feminine woman. She responds and opens to you through persuasion and loving devotion rather than brute force.

Morning Rituals to Enhance Intuition

One of the worst things you can do is go straight to your phone to check social media or emails as soon as you wake up. This will surely cloud your intuition as your awareness doesnt have time to settle into your body. When you pick up your phone to go into your inbox or scroll upon social media, your awareness gets completely sucked out of your body and into the screen to be programmed and over stimulate the monkey mind.

Instead, take 20 min with yourself to connect within your body. You can also use the time after you have meditated to pray, this is a powerful combination because you have the power to set your own frequency so to speak by thanking God for what it is you need throughout you day. Everything is energy, including you.

After meditation, just before you get up to start your day pray to set your frequency- "Thank you God for enhancing my Intuition today, I am so grateful for my creativity and the inspiration to move forward today"

Wholeheartedly thanking and praising God before it is given is the definition of FAITH.

Activate Your Feminine Intuition

To activate your feminine intuition, declutter your mind and set your feminine frequency as the powerful co-creator that you were meant to be.

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Inspire Your Deep Feminine Heart With:


In the stillness of your being, there is a soft yet powerful energy waiting to be noticed. It is the voice of your soul, guiding you toward a life of grace, intuition, and deep connection to your true essence. If you’ve been feeling the pull to reconnect with your own inner light, this is a gentle invitation to begin.

This guide is a gift to you

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

- A Path to Self-Discovery: Gentle exercises to help you reconnect with your true self and rediscover the divine wisdom that has always been within you.

- Nurturing Practices: Simple ways to honor your energy, nurture your intuition, and embrace your feminine power.

- Space for Reflection: Soft prompts to help you deepen your self-awareness and create space for your true nature to unfold.

Why Is This Guide Different?

This is not about doing more. This is about being more-being more present, more connected, more aligned with the divine essence that resides within you. This guide is an invitation to pause, breathe, and remember who you truly are beneath all the noise and distractions.

If you feel ready to inspire the beauty, wisdom, and grace within you, this guide is here to help you deepen. There is no rush. No expectations. Just a gentle invitation to come back to yourself and settle in.

You are already whole.

This guide is a gentle invitation back to the sacredness that you carry within.

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Please note that some of the links in this article are affiliate links. This means that if you click on one of these links and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I genuinely believe will add value to my readers. Your support helps me maintain and improve this blog, and I deeply appreciate it.

Hi, I am Olivia Michelle

I created this space because oftentimes, my feminine soul clients say that they are burnt out, stressed, and feel as though their sensitivities are misunderstood.

As feminine beings, we are conditioned to suppress our natural sensitivities

and "power through" our organic feminine rhythms, cycles and flow.

As if the natural needs of the feminine are an inconvenience

to a masculine conditioned society.

This is why some women develop a masculine heart wall.

When the feminine is conditioned to find little to no value in her natural feminine expression,

she subconsciously rejects parts of herself in an effort to fit into

an imbalanced masculinized society.

This has not been a sustainable way of living for the feminine beings I work with who often suffer from feminine burnout.

She discovers her natural feminine gifts when she makes it a priority to value
and nourish her deep, feminine heart.

FOLLOW ME ON Instagram @adeepfeminineheart