A Sacred Space to Nourish your Deep Feminine Heart.

Divine Feminine Energy

How to Be More Feminine

January 02, 20243 min read

Hello Beauties,

Receiving is intimately tied to self worth. Feminine receptivity is a superpower. The beauty and power of the integrated feminine is she gets to choose with whom and what she receives from. The Source in which she receives reveals her level of self worth. She does not have to settle for receiving less than what she deserves. She is not a beggar of love, that is a wounded feminine trait. 

The wounded feminine manipulates and over gives to gain love, attention and admiration. The wounded feminine repels, she does not attract. She is needy and desperate in her attempt to be chosen. 

The integrated feminine is love herself and therefore needs nothing external to experience the love that she is, she knows she is already chosen by God The Almighty. She is the ocean of love that completes herself through her devotion to The Most High God. She submits and surrenders to Gods Will and His direction through the connection to her own intuition- another feminine superpower.

Loving your own energy is the most magnetic thing on Earth. You don’t need outside validation or anything external to prove your worth and thats precisely why you are so desirable, so very naturally magnetic. 

The poise and confidence thats comes from knowing that The Most High God chose you to be alive is confirmation enough that you are worthy of all your True Hearts desires. Know your worth, ignite your desires by welcoming them in and don’t settle for less. Curate your environments and relationships that reflect this level of self love and self worth.

Enjoy the journey of deepening into your feminine presence by taking the time to go within daily. 

Your current feminine expression emanates from the levels you have accessed from within yourself. If you wish to become more feminine, dive deeper within yourself to explore. After all, your inner landscape of awareness is the feminine realm. She, the inner feminine aspect of you, is 90 + percent more powerful than the masculine aspect of the egoic mind.

When we do not carve out the time and space to honor the feminine principles within, how will you ever become more feminine? All other external attempts that only decorate the ego are shallow.

Yes, of course, buy the sexy dress, do your hair and makeup (if thats something that makes you happy), feel and look beautiful! All that stuff is so much fun, I LOVE playing dress up, but you've already heard these things before. You can find a million other blogs, YouTube or social media accounts that touch on these things.

Im speaking about the undeniable depth and magnetism that comes from the depth of your feminine presence- the reflection of the energy you embody.

This is just a little reminder that you already have everything you need within you to be more feminine. So RECEIVE more of what you already are, receive more of your own delicious presence.

Shut out distraction, take alone time, shut your eyes and FEEL the cosmic force of the feminine presence within your heart and womb space. Connect with these portals of creation by placing your hands on them ask them what wants to be birthed through them next. Whats more feminine than the raw creative potential power of that? Ooo, I'm getting chills!

It's the feminine that births all creation, without her, there is no life, there is no abundance. All answers are within. Stay devoted to exploring your inner realms where we get the honor of experiencing the great and ancient feminine wisdom from within.

A simple recipe for being more feminine: Receptivity, Surrendering and Devotion to all that you already are 🧘🏻‍♀️♥️🌹

Oceans of LOVE,

Olivia Michelle <3

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Inspire Your Deep Feminine Heart With:


In the stillness of your being, there is a soft yet powerful energy waiting to be noticed. It is the voice of your soul, guiding you toward a life of grace, intuition, and deep connection to your true essence. If you’ve been feeling the pull to reconnect with your own inner light, this is a gentle invitation to begin.

This guide is a gift to you

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

- A Path to Self-Discovery: Gentle exercises to help you reconnect with your true self and rediscover the divine wisdom that has always been within you.

- Nurturing Practices: Simple ways to honor your energy, nurture your intuition, and embrace your feminine power.

- Space for Reflection: Soft prompts to help you deepen your self-awareness and create space for your true nature to unfold.

Why Is This Guide Different?

This is not about doing more. This is about being more-being more present, more connected, more aligned with the divine essence that resides within you. This guide is an invitation to pause, breathe, and remember who you truly are beneath all the noise and distractions.

If you feel ready to inspire the beauty, wisdom, and grace within you, this guide is here to help you deepen. There is no rush. No expectations. Just a gentle invitation to come back to yourself and settle in.

You are already whole.

This guide is a gentle invitation back to the sacredness that you carry within.

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Please note that some of the links in this article are affiliate links. This means that if you click on one of these links and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I genuinely believe will add value to my readers. Your support helps me maintain and improve this blog, and I deeply appreciate it.

Hi, I am Olivia Michelle

I created this space because oftentimes, my feminine soul clients say that they are burnt out, stressed, and feel as though their sensitivities are misunderstood.

As feminine beings, we are conditioned to suppress our natural sensitivities

and "power through" our organic feminine rhythms, cycles and flow.

As if the natural needs of the feminine are an inconvenience

to a masculine conditioned society.

This is why some women develop a masculine heart wall.

When the feminine is conditioned to find little to no value in her natural feminine expression,

she subconsciously rejects parts of herself in an effort to fit into

an imbalanced masculinized society.

This has not been a sustainable way of living for the feminine beings I work with who often suffer from feminine burnout.

She discovers her natural feminine gifts when she makes it a priority to value
and nourish her deep, feminine heart.

FOLLOW ME ON Instagram @adeepfeminineheart