Narcissistic emotional vampires are not the creatures that lurk in the shadows, only emerging at night like the in movies. These creatures walk among us, openly, lurking. They are in workplaces, entire dark family units, religious organizations, and communities, perhaps even covertly concealed within a parent or partner. They are way more prevalent than we realize.
Have you ever encountered someone who appears to say all the right things, mirroring your likes and beliefs, making you believe they are a genuine and authentic fit for your life? Yet, as time goes on, you notice that in the presence of others, they absorb and reflect those persons traits, characteristics, and mannerisms too. At first, it might seem odd, but you might not pay much attention, after all, everyone wants to be accepted and liked to some degree, right?
Now, if you are a chosen one, you are committed of breaking generational curses and so you may notice their generational curses early on. But just as you have generational curses to overcome, so does eveyone else and since you know that you are love itself, you give your love away freely to this person who said they are ready to take a journey of breaking generational curses with you. The truth is, you cannot control when someone decides to betray themselves by manipulating and betraying you.
Some narcissistic emotional vampires are unaware of their actions. Driven by a desperate desire for love, belonging and approval, they fear rejection on a deep subconscious level.
Others are more insidious and calculating, concealing their true intentions more subtly. They often target sensitive, open-hearted, bright and creative individuals because these are characteristics they seek to steal for themselves.
Sometimes they target you for a long term relationship, love bombing you, maybe even marrying you with the long term intention of breaking you down piece by piece, dehumanizing, you so that they can more easily steal what they deem as your valuable traits. Shortly after the love bombing stage, is the devaluing stage where they are try to covertly control you and break your confidence to destabilize you.
Eventually, you find yourself feeling extremely fatigued and drained after being in a long term relationship with these user abusers.
As time goes on, you may notice the relationship feeling as though you need to walk on eggshells to keep the peace because they may display childish behavior and emotional outbursts, making you responsible for their insecurities. They may start drama out of no where to justify their abusive behavior and the hideous things they do behind your back. The relationship declines and you start thinking of a way out but might be scared to leave because of threats. Maybe to some degree, they have made you somewhat financially dependent on them. Later you realize this was a plot and plan to make it difficult for you to leave them.
An emotional narcissistic vampire is someone who expects you to give undivided attention, time, and resources without reciprocating or investing anything back. In long term relationships, they breadcrumb you, leaving you feeling depleted after investing a considerable time with them. The energy exchange is imbalanced. These one sided relationships drain you of your life-force energy, again, this is all part of their plan to energetically weaken you so you become dependent on them, they have a deep fear of rejection.
They may begin to isolate you, triangulate you with others in their life to start conflict for fun and then lead you on with "future faking".
Future Faking: is a manipulation tactic that abusers use to gaslight their victims by making grand promises for the future. If you threaten to leave from the abuse and mistreatment, they often dangle promises of getting better, wealth and luxury for the future if you continue to stay and stick it out.They may seem to get better for a little while only to revert back into the same exhausting abusive patterns once again. If you ever get the chance to speak to the ex's of these deceptive people, they will say they too experienced this abusive pattern of behavior.
The abusive patterning always returns until the cycle is broken by the victim leaving. These abusers are deeply traumatized from their past and keep you in a frustrating cycle of a "wound and soothe" trauma bond. This is something they themselves have experienced within their childhood and household, most likely from their narcissistic parents.
A trauma bond is where the abuser(s) are felt as the source of pain yet at the same time, also as the as a false savior to sort of nurse you back to health after the abuse. This is all a tactic to causes great confusion and manipulate in their victims.
These vampires often have many "friends" yet their connections are superficial. The constantly seek validation and attention (it is there addiction). They inflate anyone's ego with the sole intention of receiving the same back, even if it is disingenuous, they feed off superficial praise, especially from "new" sources of supply.. They often use distorted seductive charm and to gain the attention and admiration of the same or opposite sex.
These so-called "friends" do not truly know the person they are dealing with, they are engaging with a carefully crafted mirror projection designed by the narcissistic emotional vampire to gain fake admiration and inflate their ego. They use mirroring techniques and morph into anyone they engage with, ultimately this is a learned childhood survival mechanism that they, the narcissistic emotional vamp exploit to their advantage. Once you see this pattern that they display, you cannot unsee it and its chilling to witness.
Essentially, these fake friends are being used by the vamp for the vamps own egoic personal gain. They like to cloak themselves in other people's energy to avoid their own. They cannot stand the person they truly are because deep down inside, they hate themselves. They know all the dark, evil, malicious and repulsive things they do. They get off on the thrill of almost being caught.
Oftentimes, their own family doesn't even know the real them. The only real person who can see through to their core, is oftentimes an intuitive long term partner. This is why they hate their partners, often speaking poorly behind their back and making up lies about them to others in an effort to feel better about their hideous actions. They take out all their shortcomings and frustrations on them behind closed doors, often blaming them for their failures.
It is important to know that these abusers are disconnected from themselves. They lie to themselves in order to avoid the painful truth- that they have built a life of facade of lies and inauthenticity and therefore, no one likes the real them at all. They may exaggerate their lifestyle and the amount of money they have or the success of their business in an attempt to seem more influential even though they may be swimming in credit card debt and owe people money. They often make poor choices with finances because they often struggle with addiction(s). They are obsessed with their false online image and curate a great character on social media to portray someone that they are not. This is all smoke and mirrors.
8 Signs You Are Dealing With A Narcissistic Abuser.
Insidious emotional vampires are emotionally demanding, manipulative, negative, and thrive on manufactured controversy and drama to gain sympathy (attention is their drug) whether positive or negative. They expect their partners to be responsible for their emotional reactions, often wanting their partners to play a mothering role. Here are signs that someone might be in a partnership with an insidious emotional narcissistic vampire:
Controlling Behavior: These predators live in low self esteem and feel best when dominating others. Their need for control stems from a deep feeling of not being in control of themselves and their addictions. They are often impulsive and reckless and they seek to manipulate, lie, cheat, steal and deceive to get their way. They often hide these behaviors until a considerable amount of time has passed and a manufactured emotional bond has taken place.
Constant Negativity: They focus on the negative aspects of life, chronic complainers and external blamers, expecting others to tiptoe around their overly sensitive, fragile egos. To those closest to them, this feels like walking on eggs shells. These deceptive dark people tend to be happiness haters and twist the happy and joyful moments of their victim into a reason to display discontent. This is because they don't like others to be happy when they are not happy with themselves or where they are in life in general. They prefer all attention, whether good or bad to be placed on them. They do not have the ability to empathize and lack the depth of emotional intelligence (they only know how to mirror emotions.)
Attention-Seeking Behavior: Craving constant attention and validation, they may interrupt conversations, turn discussions back to themselves, and engage in shallow online interactions like flirting with random people on social media to avoid genuine intimacy. They also love the thrill of cheating because for them, it feeds their need for shallow attention. They would rather die than be intimate because intimacy requires truth. They do not care from whom they get attention from, young or old, male or female, heterosexual or gay. Thye often have sex addictions. They feed off a hit of superficial shallow attention which often times feeds their need for sexual gratification.
Manipulation and Abuse: Using guilt, shame, emotional blackmail, threats or other tactics to control others. They may exploit childhood wounds to incite reactionary abuse to play the victim. Reactionary abuse: is when the abuser studies the victims triggers (often from childhood) and purposely tries to re-open the wound while in an unrelated disagreement with the intention of provoking a negative reaction from you, using this as twisted proof that you somehow deserve the mistreatment, lies, abuse and cheating. They use reactionary abuse as a way to justify their hideous behavior and keep you (in their twisted mind) lower than them. They are very jealous and will cause problems for you to distract you from achieving your goals because they view your light, ambition and vision as a threat only because they don't have these same qualities. Whats interesting is that if they spent their time wisely is that they would be able to develop these qualities too. But no, they would rather bring you down than rise up and meet you, they are destroyers, mimickers and followers , not true creators. They simply cannot create anything on their own.
Excessive Drama: Thriving on drama and chaos, they create or exaggerate problems, stirring up conflict and manufactured controversy among others for their entertainment. They may even triangulate you between their friends and own family members as a way to create drama, attention and feel like a victim. They love to manufacture problems, gaslight and gossip to gain sympathy from others.
Lack of Empathy: They will mimic emotional intelligence to others yet completely disregard the emotions of their partner in an intimate relationship, they dismiss, invalidate.
Lack of Accountability: These psychopaths are usually raised by parents that encourage their lack of accountability and therefore they have never had any responsibility or accountability growing up. They prefer to blame everything outside of themselves (especially on their partners who they view as emotional dumping grounds and slaves) because they are already in so much inner conflict and chaos that they couldn’t bare the truth of their hideous motives. To people who have built their entire identity and lifestyle on lies, the truth feels like an assault.
Lying: In simple terms, lying is to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. These abusers prefer to live double lives and lie about who they really are. If they were to tell the truth about who they really are, they would loose all respect from family, friends, social media followings, 'business associates" and others. They lie about who they are, thier addictions and what they have. Everything is smoke and mirrors. They are soulless.
An insidious emotional narcissistic vampire consistently displays these traits, causing distress and harm to their partners. This is the twisted excitement they crave. The create chaos and disorder outside of them because that is what they feel inside. If you find yourself in a relationship with such an individual, it's crucial to recognize the toxicity and leave as soon as possible, as they thrive on chaos and blame, using it to mask their own low self-worth.
100 percent of the time, when you find the courage to walk away from these predators, they will run a smear campaign.
Smear campaign: is the abusers last desperate attempt to dehumanize and devalue the victim by telling one sided lies to any and everyone who will listen. This is to gain hits of emotional supply in the form of sympathy from others and make sure that you are seen as the abuser and them the victim in the eyes of others, further perpetuating their victim complex delusion.
During the smear campaign, they will try to ruin your reputation and relationships by calling family and friends, even clients to perpetrate the lie that they have been a victim at the expense of you because they feel so guilty. They will paint you out to be everything that they are- a liar, a cheater, an abuser, mentally ill- these are their own deep, dark self confessions.
They often come from an entire family of narcissistic abusers and get their family to bully you. These people are vicious in their attempt to humiliate you but in the end, they only end up humiliating themselves because you have seen the true nature of their demonic family. Now they all are on full display.
If you are a feminine heart currently recovering from narcissistic abuse, let this be a gentle reminder- it is not your fault and you are not alone. These predators target intelligent, accomplished woman with beautiful hearts because they want to copy your qualities, drain your inner light and wear your attractive qualities on them themselves and then feel a sense of superiority by discarding you when you no longer tolerate their abuse.
They like wear or "try on" your energy because inside, they are a black hole and don't have an identity of their own worth wearing. The same qualities that attracted them to you are the same ones they end up wanting to destroy because these creatures are inherently sick with the Spirit of jealousy, addiction and envy.
The manipulation, lies, abuse and smear campaign you went through doesn't diminish your worth. Your soul is resilient and thank God the general public is more aware of the tactics that narcissists use, largely due to therapists who specialize in narc abuse and spread awareness.
More often than not, those that they have reached out to in an effort to defame and devalue you during the smear campaign phase will see through the narcs lies and some may even offer their support to you because they have witnessed first hand, the lack of integrity and honor these abusers have displayed by trying to slander and character assassinate you.
These dark creatures actually reveal themselves and loose support from many people, even if these people do not tell them or publicly say so. Their "business" may even start to fail because in an effort to destroy you, all they really did was reveal themselves and in doing so destroyed themselves and thier own affairs. Sad.
I truly feel sorry for the people who continue to lie. God will place all who have harmed you on their knees, this is not a threat, it's Universal Law.
Psalms 105:15 Touch not my anointed Ones
Those that continue to mislead people by lying about the grandeur of their false lifestyles and hide their ugly character and addictions, they are only digging themselves deeper in their own graves. God sees ALL and karma needs no address. They are already receiving the start of their karma but they will not admit that this is due to deliberately trying to harm you, divine feminine, one of God's chosen and anointed. You were sent as a gift from God, a test to see if they would change their ways to heal the generational curses in their lineage, they failed miserably.
The truth is, any form of narcissistic abuse is a reflection of anti-christ consciousness. Its is the opposite of Divinity. These people are riddled with demonic possession from their lineage passed down generation to generation. Their bloodlines are cursed and all they have done is brought more curses upon their lineage and future offspring.
They have turned away from their spiritual journey and instead follow their fleshy desires or lust, greed, jealousy taking them down a dark path. When they choose with their own free will to come up against you, they where spiritually demoted and remain in a karmic cycle, they did not chose to evolve this lifetime.
The True Feminine Heart stands for healing into wholeness, not contributing to the suffering of people and therefore the world. We stand for truth, the light of awareness and righteous justice. Keep your hands and heart clean, speak truth if you feel called to and maybe one day you will become an advocate and inspiration for other women who went through the same.
Take time to rest and pour all the love that you have given out, back into yourself at this time. Feminine self care is essential on your self healing journey. God wants you to thrive and not just survive. Within the garden of your feminine heart, nourish the seeds of self love. You are worthy of all your hearts desires, do not settle for anything less. Find the strength to walk away gracefully. Please seek a professional if needed.
It's ok to not be ok but it is not ok to not get help for more serious forms of abuse. Seek out professionals or therapy and the proper authorities if needed.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Hours: 24/7.
The capacity you have to BE the light is directly correlated with the capacity you have to digest the darkness and all the while, as you were in this toxic connection, you got to study how the darkness operates, you got to observe them on an intimate level and now you are infinitely more intelligent and powerful. Oh how they hate how you know all their dirty little secrets (including the toxic family they came from) They are afraid of you because you see and feel so deeply. That is your gift.
Also, you must be really special for the darkness to try so hard to eliminate you. You, my love, your feminine Divinity is poppin'! Your light is luminous, yesss queen!
You have pure intentions, so therefore you will always win. You have a deep respect and love for God's Laws.
Beloved, know that without a shadow of a doubt that is is just the onset of an incredible transformation and glow up. That this experience was meant to strengthen and solidify your inner feminine power for your lineage, you are on the right path. You are the chain breaker and no longer a victim when you choose to take back your power, walk away to look forward for all the new new! I Am REJOICING with you!
To read more about staying soft yet strong through your feminine healing journey with narcissistic abuse READ MORE HERE
I stand with you,
Olivia Michelle
How The Divine Feminine Is Walking Karma
The Divine Path: The Mystery of God's Vision for your Life
Decenter Men and Recenter God and Your Inner Self for Your Best Life Yet
Embracing Divine Inner Union: The Sacred Dance of Hieros Gamos
If you feel ready to inspire the beauty, wisdom, and grace within you, this guide is here to help you deepen. There is no rush. No expectations. Just a gentle invitation to come back to yourself and settle in.
You are already whole.
This guide is a gentle invitation back to the sacredness that you carry within.
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