Why Every Emotion Is Valid
And we ALL have triggers...
What is a trigger?
A stimulus that invokes an intense emotional and energetic response within the nervous system that is often linked to a past memory that may be subconscious.
And We Know The Feeling Very Well, An Emotional Trigger Is Activated And The Body Begins To Respond...
The throat begins to close.
The chest tightens around the heart, it closes.
A rush of hot and intense energy courses through your body.
Anxiety and knots in the stomach.
Sweaty palms.
Body collapses.
Shaky voice.
The nervous system gets shocked into the sympathetic setting or survival mode which leads to reacting unconsciously from fight or flight.
The intrusive thoughts come in and tell us we aren't safe.
Sometimes either sadness, anger or rage follows.
Don't react but instead turn 100 percent of your awareness inwards and focus purely on the feeling and sensations that rise up within the body. Obviously, the only time to be reactive is when your life is in danger.
Take a moment of private time if at all possible. Take deep, slow breaths, expanding your belly on the inhale.
When a trigger happens, we tend to want to shrink or even collapse so do the opposite, keep your posture open and expand by taking a deep inhale.
Feel the energy of the trigger within your body to locate where it's coming from.The trigger is usually activated somewhere in your body's core like the stomach, heart space, or throat (like a knot in the throat). We tend to feel anxiety somewhere in the body.
Close your eyes (if you are safe to do so) and place your hands on the location in your body that the trigger is radiating from to further acknowledge it without judging and say "I feel you." Breathe with it, and stay fully present with it. It's wanting to pass through you if you remain present and poised.
Practice identifying the emotions you are feeling from the trigger by name. The more we sharpen our emotional vocabulary, the more we increase our emotional literacy and awareness. Say to yourself " I am feeling..." further acknowledging the emotion without the need for judgment. Just shine a light on it.
Developing communion with the luscious inner landscape of emotion is the most powerful thing we can do as women. Our emotional intelligence and literacy define our level of intuition.
Both males & females have the capability for psychic-like intuition. To numb heavy emotions and only acknowledge or accept the "high vibe" ones is to deny our precise yet wide spectrum of intuitive emotional guidance from within.
All emotions have their place and when we acknowledge them for exactly what they feel like at the moment, we create the power of choice to respond rather than react. Some tend to think that feeling big or heavy emotions automatically means drama or overreacting or being out of control but that's not always the case.
When we can witness an emotion that's welling up from within and accept it for what it is and give it undivided attention we allow for the natural process of the emotion to pass through us and express through the body somatically. This is a natural process of emotional alchemy. This can look like a good old crying session or even having your own private temper tantrum for 10 min also know as a rage session.
The emotions are neither "good" nor "bad", they just are. We are just experiencing them like the Earth experiences the tides. The reason some emotions can be extremely uncomfortable is that we may not be in a relationship with them. When we can give ourselves time and space to just be with the feelings that we have previously rejected or have been conditioned to deny we begin to integrate them and therefore, these big emotions can feel less scary and uncomfortable less intense and therefore the trigger happens less often.
Every emotion is meant to be felt and processed in some way. Emotions are part of the watery feminine subconscious realm and enable us to engage in intimacy with divine intelligence. Our clear emotions are intuitive messages and when we practice listening, we tune into intuition. We can stay in alignment with what's best for our unique design.
We are in constant energetic communication with our inner selves and external environment but we must refine our level of emotional awareness (energy in motion) by surrendering to what is and accepting emotions rather than suppressing, rejecting, projecting or denying them. There are no "good" or "bad" emotions, they are simply electrochemical signals, and it's how we choose to express them that matters most.
The 5 Pillars of A Deep Feminine Heart
How to tap into Divine Feminine Energy
Ten Signs Your Feminine Intuition is Blocked and How to Reconnect to Your Inner Wisdom
Feminine Radiance Restored: How Stress Dulls Your Feminine Glow and Ways to Reclaim It
If you feel ready to inspire the beauty, wisdom, and grace within you, this guide is here to help you deepen. There is no rush. No expectations. Just a gentle invitation to come back to yourself and settle in.
You are already whole.
This guide is a gentle invitation back to the sacredness that you carry within.
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